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Mend Electric Cookers

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Mend Oven Stopped Help Heat Light

Halogen oven stopped working?

Help, the timer is still going but the heat and the light have stopped working. Can I repair or do I need a new one?

July 2011
On mine, the thermal fuse in the former windings failed (150 degrees c) causing the fan to fail and the oven overheated and blew the main thermal fuse (157 degrees c 10a). If a thermal fuse fails in the former windings then you need to replace the fan motor. You can try to replace both thermal fuses but this in the large is considered unsafe. Transformer fuses blow for a reason: there could be a partial short in the windings.

John UnClever
August 2011
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
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