When you ask for a pasword reset, you should get a reset e-mail on another acount.
That message will contain a link that you MUST follow to complete the process.
The message can also contain a temporary pasword.
You then need to enter a new pasword.
If you did correctly do a pasword reset and still can't access your acount, there is the possibility that someone else is trying to access it. That other person obviously don't know your password. If that other person ries to many times to log in, the account gets blocked again.
There are a few reasons for that:
- It may be a prankster or someone trying to get access to your acount for whatever reason.
- It may be someone that mistyped his account name, and stubornly tries to access what he THINK is his account.
- There is a possibility that yourself incorrectly entered your account name, or that your browser tries to automaticaly use your old, now invalid, password.
June 2011