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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Hot Heating Approx

BG 532 have hot water but no heating?

I have a British Gas 532/i boiler which is approx 3 years old now with a WR1 wireless receiver and a RC5 transmitter.

The problem is that at the moment I cannot get the heating to come on.

If I turn a tap on then the boiler starts up and there is hot water.

If I turn the terperature on the RC5 remote up then a flame shows on the display indicating that it the boiler should be told to come on and then the receiver unit flashes to confirm it received the signal. The "Heating on" led on the receiver is then switched on but the boilder does not start.

I have topped up the boiler water so that the pressure is ust below 2 bar.

I have tried turning it off an on again and have pressed the reset button. The radiator dial on the boilder is set to 6 which is one below max as is the water temperature dial.

Ther display on the boiler shows 58-61 followed by a symbol SE interchanging every second. But I can't find the matching error code from the manual.

The light on the front of the boilder between the dials is blue.

it seem to transmit a signal ok.

No idea what else to try! Any help appreciated!

April 2011
probably a problem with the external controls, best to get someone in to link the controls out to test it.
SE means the boiler needs serviced, or if it has recently been serviced then the service interval reminder needs re-set.

April 2011
You need to first check voltages on block ST10.
There should be 220-240v on terminal LS, and with the clock/thermostat calling, the same voltage should be on LR, if there is not, the fault is external to the boiler.
If there is voltage on LR, check the diverter valve actuator (RH side of pump) is moving, reset the boiler while watching the actuator, it should carry out a self test when starting.
As you state the HW is working, the above should put you in the right area.

April 2011
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
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