Yeah sounds like a problem with the water softener.
Not really something that can be mended, only replaced.
About 115 GBP.
There is a valve that lets water go from the salt container into the resin part of the softener. This could be faulty, however costs nearly as much as the complete softener !
Also the timer may not be sending the voltage to the valve.
If you bypass the door switch, turn the timer to the start of the drying process, take off the salt cap, & turn the dial one click at a time slowly. If the valve & the timer is working Ok, you will hear a glug glug & water will overflow from the salt container.Leave in this position. If this happens, quickly re-fit the salt cap & water should then run into the sump. If no water runs into the sump( under the filter), then the softener is blocked.
February 2011