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Mend Software, Operating Systems

How can I remove the dual boot menu - clear MBR?

I have two operation systems running on my PC. Windows on one hard disk and Linux on another. I'd like to uninstall Linux (to reinstall it differently.) I'd like to remove the boot menu which loads at startup. I believe it is within the MBR. How do I do this?

March 2004
All of these are good. Thanks for all of the input.

April 2006
For windows xp :Right click My computer > select Properties > select Advanced Tab > In box Startup & Recovery : press settings > in this window you select "EDIT", This will open Notepad with all your OS list,Time to display etc. you can change as you would like,Save & restart. Make Sure YOU Backup Notepad by your choice& plcace where you can find it easy to replace If you meshup ..

October 2004
boot from a dos boot diskette and then type fdisk /mbr
its an undocumented feature of fdisk

Banry Banry
September 2004
You can boot from your Windows XP CD.

Type R to start the Recovery Console when prompted.

Select your Windows installation when prompted.

Login as Administrator.

Type "fixmbr". This will remake your Master Boot Record without the Linux bits.

(Strongly recomment you backup you files first - better still if possible image your whole PC.)

August 2004
I have to assume you're running Windows XP. FIRST, create a system restore point, on the start button and then click on RUN. In the open window, type in MSCONFIG and click on OK. Click on BOOT.INI and you should be able to see BOTH operating systems. Very carefully delete the non XP os and close....and reboot.

R Henri
March 2004
Mend Software, Operating Systems
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