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Mend Cassette Recorders

Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
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Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
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Mend > Cassette Recorders

Mend Video, Cassette Recorders

Why has VCR counter stopped & all recordings are garbled?

Why is it When my Poloroid VCR/DVD combo model#DVC-2000 is in playback mode the counter does not move & the picture is like fast forwarding & speech is garbled?

August 2006
Oh here's the diagram btw...

August 2006
Sounds like the control track is not being read.
If you are lucky it may just be a dirty control head.

Audio/Control Head (part H in the diagram).
On the face of the above part H, you will see two shiny strips, the bottom strip is the control head.

Otherwise, it sounds like something is causing misalignement or loss of tape tension over the control head. eg. the mechanism cannot complete it's full loading, due to gear damage or something jamming the mechanism.
(PS. or jammed in the mechanism - cassette labels seem to becoming fairly common).

Another common cause of those symptoms is playing back a cassette which was recorded on a different machine, with record speeds which are not compatible to the playback machine.

August 2006
Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
Free repair help for cassette recorders

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Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
Free repair help for cassette recorders