Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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peugot 205 gti d reg petrol?

hi can anyone help me i left my car standing for a year , i changed spark plugs / pipes etc however my car will not idle smoke comes out of exhaust and is eating petrol and will only rev to 3000 no higher , i cannott find any websites to help with techinical problems etc if you know any in english that would be great or can help me with question would be better as i only know the basics of car thanks jimmy

August 2006
try the air flow meter mate that goes on to the end of the throttle body mik g

mik g
January 2007
Take the air screw out of the throttle body ( The part where the rev cable goes- A flat screw). The end should be clean with no dirt on it, also check the hole. If its dirty get some carb cleaner, spray **** loads in there and replace the airscrew with grease on the rubber seal. Leave for an hour to let the spray evaporate and then try. If that dont work, check the SAD( Supplemetary air device) which is under the dizzy cap. It should have two hoses and a single plug on it. Make sure theyre all there. If so then check ALL your pipes, especially the one that comes off the dizzy vacuum diaphram. Also check the hole that it goes to on the throttle body. If that dont work then you got me and probably anybody else!! Also take the top off your air flow meter... the black box after air filter... and undo the three screw very carefully- dont take them out, just loosen them. Move the whole board down so the spring contact touches new carbon. Test to see that it touches the carbon over the whole sweep. Then tighten the screws and glue cover back on. If that dont work then god knows what it is!!
January 2007
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