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Mend Switches and Sockets

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Mend D.I.Y, Switches and Sockets
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Mend > Switches and Sockets

Mend D.I.Y, Switches and Sockets

Wiring Inspection?

Free visual safety check offered by our Electricty supplier by a contracted company.
Testers eyes lit up when he saw our wired fuse consumer unit.
Tested two of 16 sockets with polarity tester then proceeded to tell me how dangerous the wired fuse box was, I knew otherwise as it had been tested 1yr previously. Price of new unit £800 he packed up and went didn't carry out anymore testing when I said I can't afford that. His interes was making a quick buck on the fuse box. Free area no stooping in cupboard and all cables come from attic. Any opinions on price fair or a stitch up because we are in the elderly 'see if I can frighten them into having it done' bracket. One thing when he saw the consumer unit his eyes lit up like organ stops. Also told me it's a £5,000 fine for replacing any electrics unless I'm Part P registered.
Not true I believe as long as you get in touch with council building control first then get the end resulting work tested and passed

December 2010
.Thanks Adam but know it's ok as it all tested ok when my mate who passed away last yr tested it all with megga tester and other test equipment it was his job more certificates than you could poke a stick at. All tested fine including the fuse box bear in mind he had to test both old and modern equipment so wrong connections etc would surely show druring testing.

December 2010
Get another (reputable) electrician out to give you his opinion.
With all the inspection and testing a consumer unit change can easily take a whole day, plus it may uncover remedial work which will need to be done for a 17th edition consumer unit to work properly, eg rcds may constantly trip if the circuits weren't wired properly in the first place or have been altered incorrectly.

December 2010
Mend D.I.Y, Switches and Sockets
Free repair help for switches and sockets

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Mend D.I.Y, Switches and Sockets
Free repair help for switches and sockets