Most are similar so will give a try.
Jack up rear end by placing a jack back center so rear wheel is off the ground, support with jackstands to be safe.:-)
Remove plastic center axle cap.
There should be a "C" clip underneath. Slip a flat bladed screwdriver in a slot and pry off. Cover with a rag to catch it should it decide to spring off somewhere.
Pull off wheel, should be a long key on the axle, catch it, will come in handy when you replace the wheel.
Remember where all washers go, should be one or two behind c clip before the wheel.
Could possibly be a cotter pin instead of c clip, but most are c clips today.
You will quickly see if this applies to your model after removing the center cap.
Use needle nosed pliers to squeeze the c clip back on the axle when replacing it.
Good luck.
Appreciation appreciated.
August 2006