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Mend Audio, Audio Systems

Denon Amplifier keeps jumping source selection?

My Denon Amp, Model PMA-6.5 is 9 years old and has done sterling service. Now it keeps jumping the source selection ie when playing a CD it will jump to the Tuner, or some other random source.
There is a control cable running between units, and I have tried removing that to see if it had any effect ... but no.

Any thoughts?

August 2010
Sorry, I can't answer the query but I have exactly the same issue and tried all sorts of things to be certain it really is the amp and have concluded it is. Did you get anywhere with this? If you sent it to be fixed what happened i.e. was it expensive, what was the problem etc. Loathe to bin it as it's been great and to replace a system as good would cost me too much.

Hope you can help

December 2010
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