Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Vehicles, Motorcycles

4 adam speedfight 100cc jp?

ive sorted the smoke and the idle speed settings except it still screams and wine when i ease off the throttle also my clucth seems a bit worn and was wondering if the pads could be changed or do i have to replace the whole clutch (my peds really quick at pulling away and takes no time to get to 55, thanks for help spot on as always)
on another note i have an mbk nitro that will not go over 15 mph unless i hold the choke in and then it struggles stilll

May 2006
i have a mbk nitro and i was wandering if you no wat is wrong with it when i put the choke inwards my byk looses power then cuts out and i was wandering if you no how to set th carb if that is the problem and how would i deristed my bike (the cheapet way ad easyiest) hope yu can help

June 2007
did you change the drive belt?as this can cause the screeching noise you are talking about if the belt is baggy and worn its similar to the noise a fan belt on a car makes when its loose.

June 2006
ok no probs,you can buy the clutch shoes seperately try online they sell everything you will ever need for it.the nitro will be either a blocked main jet or a faulty fuel tap (possibly not piped up right or split in the vaccum pipe)or could even be water in the fuel,the water sinks to the bottom so it would need to be drained(the tank that is)and also the float bowl on the bottom of the carb ,it has a small screw on the side at the bottom just unscrew it 2 turns not all the way out and see what comes out of the pipe at the bottom it should be only petrol and no water at all put something clean under the bike ie a plastic sheet when you do it to see if its water or petrol if its mixed then the water will LOOK like jelly in the petrol,but whatever it is the problem is the fuel not getting into the carburettor main jet properly ok glad to have helped as always mate.:)

adam bike doctor
June 2006
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