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Mend Refrigerators

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Mend > Refrigerators

Mend Side Running Inside

Side by Side Fridge running but not cooling?

Hi, I have a fridge made by GE Model Number: GSL22JFTA

The fridge is running constantly, but the inside of the freezer just gets warmer and warmer. I tried unplugging the fridge for a day and turned it back on the next and still nothing. There doesn't seem to be frost build up, but it could have melted when I left it off overnight. I have set the temperature to the lowest possible and still very warm. Water dispenser and everything else still works.

Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

May 2010
american fridge freezer service agent Tel 07723019161.

September 2016
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
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