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Mend Mix Petrol Oil Ratio

how to mix petrol to oil ratio?

how many milliliters of oil to 5 liters of petrol to mix 40 to 1 for model aeroplane engines.can you please explain the method you use in case i need to alter the ratio eg 30 to 1. thank you, dave hallas

dave hallas
May 2010
Go to HOMEBASE or B&Q and buy a One litre Fuel Mixing bottle manufactured by ALM Manufacturing 01423 797208, these have markings for different ratios printed on the side and make mixing fuel simple.

May 2010
Keep it simple WHY do you want to alter the mix half way through?5 LTRS will take a model aircraft to the moon,get two petrol safe containers and use an old 35mm film canister to put one measure of oil in each then fill up one with 40 measures of petrol and the other with 30 measures of petrol,mark them,fly your plane on 30-1 first as this has more oil in it and will reduce the risk of seizing the engine.If you ALTER the ratio mid term you will have 5LTRS of wasted fuel and a headache and maybe a wasted plane.Milliliters and LTRS don't matter it is whether you have a cup or a bucket to measure with 40+1 or 30+1 it is all the same.Good luck.

May 2010
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