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Mend Craftsman Grass Trimmers

Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Free repair help for Craftsman grass trimmers

Mend > Grass Trimmers

Mend Craftsman

craftsman wheeled weedtrimmer #917.773708?

What is the setting or gap between the magneto and the flywheel. It's a craftsman wheeled weedtrimmer 6.0 h.p 22in. cut. I'm going to replace it with a new one. Help with this problem will get me to cut grass again. THANKS.

March 2010
How do I clean the carburetor?

July 2015
It won't crank. The primer button doesn't have gas showing up in it. Sounds like air when I push it in.

July 2015
how do I replace the recoil & starter rope?

July 2013
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Free repair help for Craftsman grass trimmers

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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Free repair help for Craftsman grass trimmers