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Mend IBM Thinkpad Ibm 600e

Where can I find modem strings for IBM Thinkpad 600e?

My modem speed is very slow. Do you where I can find modem strings to test with my IBM Thinkpad 600e?

March 2006
I suspect that you simply have a bad line. I used to work for IBM I have not heard of anything you can do to a ThinkPad modem to make a bad line better. The modem in a 600E is capable of 56kbps but I have NEVER seen one achieve that over the public switched telephone network. The modem will always (in conjunction with the modenm at the host) try its best but, in your case, its best seems to be 26.4kbps. That is not unusual - I have seen lots better and some much worse.

April 2006
I am getting ~26.4 kbps. There are modem strings that can improve the modem speed.

March 2006
Sorry I forgot. 600Es also have a User Guide on the hard disk and I know that describes the modem speed. Has yours been erased becaus you can download a replacement file from Lenovo's site.

March 2006
Still not sure why the modems strings will help as you still have not saod what you mean by 'slow'. Did you not find the information in the online stuff at then? All of the answers are usually there.

March 2006
I am looking for init string for the internal modem. Does anyone know the modem speed? thanks

March 2006
What do you mean by your 'modem is very slow'?

If you mean that you have a modem capable of 56kbps and you only get 20kbps for instance, its the telephone line not the modem.

You can download manuals for ThinkPads from

If this is not your problem, try a new post with a more detailed description of the problem that you do have.

March 2006
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs
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