You Need To Use The Command Expand To Run this E.g.
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\command.co_ c:\windows\system32\
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\config.nt_ c:\windows\system32\config.nt
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt
And Also If This Problem Comes Back Also Expand Yhese Files like this:
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\autoexec.bak
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\
expand [cd drive letter]:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\autoexec.old
and Do The Same For All Of Them Good Luck!!
Aidan (Microsoft Technet)
January 2005