When I mention another drive, I mean a second hard drive installed beside your actual hard drive.
You buy the second drive making sure that it's the correct type: IDE/ATA (also called PATA) or SATA. They are NOT compatible having different power and data connectors.
Turn the computer OFF and disconnect it.
Open the case.
If you have IDE drives, make sure they are all set to "Cable sellect".
Mount the new drive in any of the available bay. (have a philips screw driver available)
Connect the power cable from the PSU.
Connect the data cable (or ribon for an IDE drive).
Close the case.
Power up and go in the BIOS settings.
Have the BIOS detect the new drive. Save and exit. Boot normaly.
When the OS is up and running, format the new drive.
Your new drive is now ready to use.
From the control pannel, sellect System. Chose "Advanced system parameters"
In the new window, sellect the "Advanced system parameters" tab.
Click the "Parameters" button under Performance.
Sellect the "Advanced" tab.
Under "Virtual memory", click the "Change" button.
UNCHECK the automatic management check box at the top.
Sellect your new drive.
Sellect "Personalised size"
Enter TWICE your RAM amount to 3 times that amount, in the first box and 2.5 to 3 times the RAM in the second box. (the second value must be the same or larget than the first) Click the "Define" button. (if you have a 32 bits system, there is no point having your RAM amount plus the page file larger than 4Gb)
Sellect the C:\ drive and sellect "NO page file" and click the Define button.
Click OK to close all windows.
Restart the computer when asked.
You just moved the page file from the OS drive to the second drive making sure that it's totaly unfragmented and that it will stay that way.
You can move your user data to it as follow:
In the Windows explorer, right-click a user folder like My Documents. Drag it to the new drive. As you release the right mouse button, a context menu pops up. Sellect "Move here". Wait for the move to finish. It may take a good deal of time to move maybe several Gb of data.
Now, My Documents will perform as usual, but refers to the new drive.
You can do the same with My Music, My Images and My Videos.
September 2013