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Mend Miele Dishwashers

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Mend Miele Working Perfectly Replaced

Miele G646SC inlet-outlet light on!?

I've just been given a dishwasher from a friend who said it was working perfectly when he replaced it. We installed it and after it filled with water (about the time you'd expect the water heater to come on) the inlet - outlet red light lit and stayed on. I do not have a user manual....any ideas? does this every time, using various programs.

Rob B.
November 2009
I have had the same Inlet/Outlet red light flashing, mine was caused due to the rubber seal on the outlet grey pipe being worn and leaking causing the flood plate switch to contact.

A little waterproof sealant stopped it for the short term and was eventually cured when I replaced the black rubber seal inside the grey outlet pipe, many more years of Miele taking the strain of the dishwashing

October 2011
but anyone have the explode of the G646 for better fix?

January 2010
Hello Bob,

It's very good to know that you have fixed your dishwasher. I have the same sympton with my dishwasher and have checked the filter and other blockage in accordance with the manual without success. I would like to do the same as you did. Is it difficult to get to the motor? I wouldn't know where to start and would be most grateful if you could give me some hints.

December 2009
The answer to this problem was that the main pump motor had seized due to the period of time it had been standing between operating locations. The pump drive spindle had corroded and was stopping the motor from starting. A scrape with a screwdriver and a spray with a WD 40 type spray sorted the snag!! (the only motor running was the inlet/outlet pump incidentally).

Rob - (Owner)
December 2009
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Find out how to mend Miele dishwashers

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Find out how to mend Miele dishwashers