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Mend Peugeot Wiper Problem Wipers

Peugeot 306 Windscreen wiper problem?

I own a 306 1.9 TD (R Reg, 1997). The windscreen wipers have stopped working suddenly. Any ideas?

November 2009
it is the windsreen wiper motor dont bother scrap only 30 pounds more to buy new

March 2011
Wipers on my 306, model 2000 do not work on low speed. Only medium and high. What could the problem be?

November 2010
Fuse number 24 it's a 30A might have blown, under steering column i think

January 2010
hi would this happen to mine i have a peugeot 306 dturbo an i put them on while they were frozen to my windscreen an then they stopped working would it of burnt the motor out thanks james

January 2010
Thanks for this post. My son was out overnight at a mates with my car. The next morning the wipers refused to work.
I have told my husband and he will investigate the motor.

December 2009
The motor will have gone. This happened to me recently. Look for car dismantlers in Yellow Pages and you should be able to get one for £20 max.

Andrew Hook
December 2009
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