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Mend AEG Electric Cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix AEG electric cookers

Mend > Electric Cookers

Mend AEG Problem Aeg Oven Up

Problem with AEG oven not heating up?


I have a similar problem to the other AEG competance oven question - basically the same problem - the oven i think tripped out the RDA which i just switched back on as above - now the oven works and comes on but doesn't get hot but in this case the fan still works - is this an element problem? the oven is only 3 years old but unsure what model make it is sorry

thnaks very much

November 2009
Sorry the fan is not working the element works ok jest the fan not work #
but we do not have modle nummer only we now it it a AEG REGAL BROWN IN COLOUR DOUBLE OVER

Mrs Annette Delano-Seal
November 2009
I have a AEG REGAL DOUBLE OVEN and the fan is broke but do NOT have modle number
can u help me please the over is brown and about 15 years old

Mrs Annette Delano-Seal
November 2009
there is an element around the fan you can see in the back of the oven.this will of blown and will need replacing.undo the 4 screws holding the fan cover on and you will see the round fan element.this can also be removed from inside the oven by removing the mounting screws and wiring.TURN APPLIANCE OFF b4 doing this

November 2009
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix AEG electric cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix AEG electric cookers