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Mercedes Sprinter Seized Injectors 311 CDI?

Can somebody advise me, i have sent my vehicle in to a Mercedes main dealer 100 miles away from where i live as i live in a remote place in Scotland. Im being told that because my injectors have leaked they have seized in the engine. They say i will now need a new engine. Can this be true and has anyone else had a engine replaced? I just cant afford to go ahead and need to get my vehicle on the road.

Mr Snell
November 2009
I removed my injectors that would not come out by normal force by pouring a small amount of diesel at the base of the injector. Remove the stud and pipe, also remove the nipple between pipe and injector. This allows you to get a spanner onto the injector below the top nut and wriggle the injector back and forth a little and slowly levering it up with a lever under the top nut. I removed the glow plug and made a tool to screw into the glowplug hole that I attached an airhose from the compressor to help stop anything falling into the cylinder area.

August 2015
Hi I have a Mercedes Vito 108cdi. I'm not sure if its the injecters but reading this makes me wonder.. When the van is started U can hear a ticking noise when driving it appears louder then quiet. It starts when it wants too. Don't really want to pay in garage for it as theyl over price me as im a women and they think im thick. Can U give me any advice? As to what it could be??

February 2013
Hi all
I'm also having the same problem. However, I changed the fuel filter and filled it up with diesel after seeing this process on youtube. It started. I took it to get washed, it started, but a bit harder this time, then drove it home, it wouldnt start. So, bled it and it started and then later same prob. So thinking air getting in?

December 2012 are offering a mobile seized injector removing service for the entire midlands area,also d.p.f remapping and removal service to combat very expensive bills which you may incur.thanks joe tele 01455 632826

joe taylor
December 2012
mate a good mechanic will get them out but u will meed new injectors and a rocker cover injectors alone about $2000 i have a sprinter and i pulled the motor out to get my injectors out or pull the head off and smash them out i have had a lot of troubble with my leaking injectors but i have a heads up im a mechanic

September 2012
broken torque bolt on the injector is there a tool for removing snapped bolt

May 2012
dean at williams is the the daddy , had him come out to do my injectors on my 413 cdi sprinter found the fault replaced the injectors no hassle a top man very highly recommended .

September 2010
do these injector re seating tools work. i had leaking seals and with the build up of carbon which has been cleaned up and new seals fitted i seem to keep getting leaks . also where do you get te re seater and are they hard to use. many thanks

March 2010
I'm in the middle of removing my injectors using coca cola and brute force, I've got 2 out but the other 2 are stuck fast unfortunately whilst levering one of the injectors out the screwdriver went straight through the ally rocker cover aaaaaaargh, it was so thin!!!!!!! aaaaaaarghgharrararagh

Mat thoroughly knobbed off and too heavy handed
January 2010
I had the exact same problem, i bought an injector removal tool made by laser tools ref 4762 especially designed for merc cdi engines. It is a puller and not a slide hammer. Available on ebay about £80. Did the job very easily and quickly

simon jones
November 2009
Not quite a case of thinners and a wiggle, 90% of merc injectors i extract with a merc tool and just a soak in diesel. As Merc didnt have the tool for Justins job they couldnt gain access to the head bolts, and must have got bored chipping the coke residue away as only one injector was partly cleared. But its only the 2nd time i have encountered 4 injectors leaking and a rocker cover full to the brim of residue. But, the job was done, and good as new. What i will say is if you are in a remote place such as Pitlochory in Scotland (Justin) please expect the price to vary slightly.

Dean Williams
November 2009
Exactly the same thing happened with mine. I used a "back street" mechanic who did a wonderful job. The head was totally coked-up from two leaking injectors and he used thinners to soften then and a hammer and chisel (honestly!) to clean up and reveal the bolts that hold the injectors. More thinners and gentle "wiggling" managed to remove all 4 injectors, more thinners/rag to throughly clean out then clean the injectors (one was past it, but reused the other 3) bought new one from eBay (cheeper than Merc) reassemble but you must use new injector seal rings at the bottom (a few quid from Mercs) reassemble and that was 4 months ago. So far so good!

November 2009
Where do i begin, thanks to Roy, had you not recomended a mobile mechanic im sure my vehicle would still be sat at Mercedes. Thank you for your kind help Roy.
As i described earlier my injectors had leaked causing Mercedes to write off my engine. I live in a remote area and was in the lap of the gods. Except a young man called Dean came to my rescue. Albeit i had to recover my vehicle from Mercedes, he managed to remove all the black toffee like carbon and using a special series of tools, remove injectors and recut the part they seal against. I paid for 4 injectors and with the fixed price have a working van again. £1350 inc 4x injectors and to remove and re cut the sealing part. A small price to pay and im over the moon.
I highly reccomend Dean, very knowledgable and managed to negotiate a discount for my parts. Thanks again

J Snell
November 2009
Hi Justin, thanks for the call, if and where possible i do answer questions over the phone, in your case i will be extracting the injectors and re-cutting the injector seats to allow a perfect seating.
Hi Roy hope you are all good with the W.S.P. unit i programmed in, iv sent you a spare key as requested too mate... for all info and my mobile is always on.

Dean Williams
November 2009
I have just spoken to Dean, he says he will remove my injectors outside Mercedes workshop next week, £750, better than the 3k i was looking at Roy, thank you Roy you have eased my worries my friend.

J Snell
November 2009
a tip on a website said to soak in coca cola for 3 days! i tried it on a peugeot engine for same problem and it appeared to work.-how are injectors held in,if a clamp type then you may be able to get an open ended spanner on body and gently try to rotate it if fastened by studs can the studs themselves be removed and using fixing holes in injector body adapt something to rotate injector back and forth . may be time consuming but may save a lot of money!

November 2009
Very much appreciated Roy, I will be ringing your mechanic straight away, hope at last maybe, thank you again

J Snell
November 2009
iv just had my wsp unit done by a bloke called dean and hes a mobile tech wizard from london. im sure he was goin from me and i live in grimsby to carlisle to do injectors seezed in a 313cdi. iv got his number as dean williams 07974975039 or i havent had your problem yet mate but he might be able to help you

roy the codhead
November 2009
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