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Mend Ford Transit Vans

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Mend Ford Transit Power Turn Start

ford transit 91' has battery power but wont turn over? help!?

where to start when your: van wont kick over but battery is charged, it worked fine 6 hours earlier, ind then nothing at all, i would guess a starter motor but where is it! i just about understand a fiesta but i cant find the starter motor please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 2006
Yep its got to be on the trans bellhousing somewher so it can engage with the flywheel and have the positive battery cable attached to it

March 2006
Do you have ignition lights?And when you turn the key to start-nothing? Yes check the starter motor, follow the Positive battery lead, it goes to the starter motor, there is a small wire also that attatches to the smaller cylinder (solenoid) on the starter motor, check this is attatched,if it is, then to test it is working, leave ignition on-OUT OF GEAR!-then with a long piece of cable connect one end to the pos battery terminal and the other end touch on the small terminal on the solenoid. the starter should turn, if it only clicks or nothing, then you need a starter motor. In my opinion!

March 2006
first things first check the fuses....
as you open the bonnet(hood),you get a top view of the engine,look behind the radiator and you should notice a disk with a black belt wrapped around it,,follow the belt down into the engine and find the starter..I just got my corsa and i had to tighten the belt..Kinda hard

March 2006
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Find out how to mend Ford Transit vans

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Mend Vehicles, Vans
Find out how to mend Ford Transit vans