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Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws

Poulan Weedeater Runs Rich?

I bought a 2008 22" refurbished Excalibur hedgetrimmer. I used it once a few months ago and ran perfect. The 2nd time was last week and it would barely run. It would only run with the coke fully open and my finger on the trigger. Black oil formed on the side of the machine, due too it running rich. If I moved the choke to 1/2 it would stall. It would run this way with the air filter off and with the blade removed. I see no adjustment on the carb except for the idel.. Any suggestions

September 2009
I'd start with fresh fuel. Its hard to believe it just up and needs the carb adjusted. but the has to be screws there is there any markings of an H or L on the plastic near the carb these may have 3/16 inch holes below them to stick a screwdriver in gaining access to adjustment screws?? Lots of Luck

September 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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