I had same problem Myself with my Homelite XL 101 Carb after a while got dirty, I cleaned it then It wouldn't stay running, I took it off Clean it a 2nd time used Compressed Air clean out all Little holes In carb, after that I put it in and It Finally Fired up Keep on running, every 3 Full gas tank of gas I'll add about a teaspoon of Carb & fuel injector cleaner in with gas .. won't hurt it, help keep carb cleaner so you don't have clean it as much. when I install my Carb I always set my LOW/HIGH screws all way in (High back off 2 1/2 full turns) (Low 1 1/2 turn) you have tweek it in from there. I use that carb setting method on all Small engines Lawn mowers, snowblowers, chainsaw, weedwackers...I always see people asking that question what the correct way to set the High/Low screws?
October 2009