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Mend Homelite Chainsaws

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Mend Homelite Running Replaced Carb

Homelite XL chainsaw won't keep running?

I have a 1979 Homelite XL chainsaw with a Walbro carburetor. I just replaced the carb diaphrams and gaskets, and I replaced the fuel pickup filter. Now when I choke it, pull the starter, then put it on half-choke and pull again, it will start and run for a few seconds, then quit. It will do this time after time. I've adjusted the low speed jet to no effect. I'm wondering if it could be the pump lever angle. I set it so that the end of the lever contacting the diaphram is flush with the housing edge. What is the correct way to set this angle? Could this be the problem, or is it likely to be something else? I appreciate your help.

Bill W.
September 2009
I had same problem Myself with my Homelite XL 101 Carb after a while got dirty, I cleaned it then It wouldn't stay running, I took it off Clean it a 2nd time used Compressed Air clean out all Little holes In carb, after that I put it in and It Finally Fired up Keep on running, every 3 Full gas tank of gas I'll add about a teaspoon of Carb & fuel injector cleaner in with gas .. won't hurt it, help keep carb cleaner so you don't have clean it as much. when I install my Carb I always set my LOW/HIGH screws all way in (High back off 2 1/2 full turns) (Low 1 1/2 turn) you have tweek it in from there. I use that carb setting method on all Small engines Lawn mowers, snowblowers, chainsaw, weedwackers...I always see people asking that question what the correct way to set the High/Low screws?

October 2009
I wonder the condition of the fuel line. over time it can swell shut and slow or stop the fuel flow down. check that first.

September 2009
I think you need to clean carbrator good and air filter it sounds like fuel screen in cab. is cloged and not getting enough fuel check air fuel adj. hop it was helpful.

bad boy
September 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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