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Mend Peugeot 207 Cars

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Mend Peugeot 207 Petrol Engine Oil

Peugeot 207 1.4 petrol engine oil capacity?

I have tried to find out how engine oil the engine on a peugeot 207 1.4 s (petrol)

September 2009
Im having seriouse problems with my 08 plate Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi and in desprate need of advice.
My car had a full serviced around a month ago and four days ago now the oil light come up on my dashbourd. The following day i was planning a trip to blackpool (Approx. 100 mile round trip), so i checked my oil before i set off. The dipping rod indicated that the car had a sufficiant amount oil already in it (the oil marked up to the 2nd notch on the rod), but the oil light on my dashbourd was still showing so not knowing that this could cause damage i topped up the car with most of a 0.5 litre bottle of 4W40 oil. I drove the car to blackpool and back that day and everything was fine but it was only that night when the problems started. i started the car that night to nip to the shops (cold engine) and thats when it happend. Every warning light known to man appeared on my dashbourd:- Anti-polution fauld, ABS fault, Power stearing fault & Braking system fault. Aswell as this the engine management light & the STOP lights appeared. I then tryd to drive the car 50 yards down the street and realised my mph dail wasnt working and the car was verry juddery when letting off and putting on the revs. After this i realised there was something seariously wrong with the car so i parked it back on my drive to find that the engine cooling fan was running constantly when the engine was switched off which was puzzling as the car was statik for several hours and couldnt of been over heated. after several hours of the fan running whilst the car was static i decided to unplug my battery to stop the fan wearing it out.

Please can anyone give me some sort pf advice as to what could be wrong with the car?
My gues is that by my mistake of simply over filling the car with oil, somehowe this has coused a majour failure of the ECU System but its puzzling how these two could be linked. I am a complete amature when it comes to engines but im guessing that due to the oveload of engine oil, this has caused oil to get into places it shouldnt within the engine i.e. anti-polution system but i havent seen any sighned of blue smoke out of my exhoust. I would like to know if the warning signes showing up on my dashboured are linked to my mistake of oveloading on oil or is it the case where my ECU systen isnt working correctly.

Any healp would be verry much appreciated :)


July 2014
what a load of misguided wanna be mechanics . yeah lets just throw a few numbers around, 10w 40, 3.2 ,5w 30
it wont matter too much, after all if(ie) u put too much in , u can always get another car after u break your engine. no sweat right

April 2014
Peugeot 1.4 90BHP petrol engine is 5W30, fully synthetic if you are going with 20,00 mile servicing!

May 2011
should it not be 5w-30 for the 207 Peugeot! Thats what I was told to put in mine. (2005 1.4 Petrol) Could someone please conferm.

November 2010
Semi-synthetic??? No no no no!

It is 3.2 litres 10W40 oil that you need in the 1.4. Only the 207GTi uses a different oil which is 0W30 fully synthetic (Total Excellium to be exact).

For the normal 1.4 motors it is normal Total 10W40 or equivalent.

Peugeot Technician
October 2009
3L of 15W/40 semi-synthetic

September 2009
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