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Mend Servis Freezers

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Mend > Freezers

Mend Servis Freezer Door Shut

my freezer door magnet wont shut how do i fix it ?

my freezer door wont shut an its makin my freezer work overtime so iv have to keep defrostin it, its 2 year old but iv not got it insured plus its a servis defrost free freezer could anyone help please

August 2009
If the magnetic door seals are not damaged you probably need to check and reset door alignment.
(A) Empty contents.
(B) Slacken the upper and lower hinge bracket screws which will allow the door alignment to be set square.
(C) Tighten slightly and recheck, re-adjusting if need be. It's a bit awkward because you usually have to open the door to get at the screws and the door slips out of true if they're too lose.
I find it's easier to do with fridge resting on its back with door uppermost - BUT protect the radiator coils from damage.

John Wilkinson
August 2009
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Mend repair fix Servis freezers

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