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Mend Toilets

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Mend > Toilets

Mend Lid Dual Flush Buttons

removing the lid to a sottini dual flush loo?

i have a sottini dual flush loo, the buttons you press to get the loo to flush keep sticking in the down position.... how do i get the cistern lid off to see what the problem is

August 2009
how do I get the screw to undo... I can't seem to do it its very tight

karen miller
February 2010
I have just removed mine after a great deal of research. My model is the Alchemy although I assume he solution holds for other models. Press one of the buttons to expose the side of the other button that has a slight notch. Using a screwdriver gently lever this button out. Remove the other button. You will then find a plastic screw to undo; when this is done the lid will come off.

August 2009
Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
Mend repair fix toilets

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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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