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Mend Bosch Classixx Refrigerators

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Mend Bosch Classixx Fridge Freezer Problem

Our Bosch Classixx fridge freezer defrost problem?

Our Classixx fridge has started producing a lot of water from the auto defrost, resulting in the salad trays standing in water which needs mopping every day. The unit stands in an alcove. Do I need to drag it out to get behind the f/f to empty anything, or is it a more serious problem?

August 2009
I have a BOSH Classicxx, sometimes makes a bad noise and the frezzer is not cold enough. All arounf the fan gets iced up and a warning red light is on. What can I do? Why this happen so often? my fridge is good but not my frezzer, how could I fix the problem? Thanks

July 2014
We came across a similar problem and called out a service company who service the london area they came out and found that the fault was with the thermal fuse which they replace.

March 2013
there is a button with a red dot on it should it be pressed in or out . the fridge/fresser is in the house

December 2012
Hi, I have a Bosch Classixx fridge freezer. On the top drawer of the freezer compartment I've noticed that the bars which freeze are cold to touch but not frozen and have remained like this for the past two weeks. The other two drawers are cold and the bars are iced up but not much. As they've been like this for the past two weeks I was worried that the food would no longer be edible although the freezer has remained closed. I felt the top bars yesterday and they were very slightly frozen but today defrosted again.

Miss Findlay
February 2012
Look at the back bottom shelf inside the fridge. See the hole built into the back of the appliance in the middle ? It will be blocked even if you cannot see what is blocking it. Use several cotton buds. It worked for me !

September 2009
the drian hole in the freeze is blocked with ice build up so when it goes into defrost mode the water cant drain away so it runns into the fridge area or it refreezes in the freezer and make the problem worse...........
turn of the fridge, empty the freezer,leave the door open for 24 hr, now pull out the frigde so that you can get behind it,on top of the compressor there is a tray that should have some water in it, now just above that tray there is a small hole give it a gentle sqeeze and let out any water in the tube,now that should fix the problem..........

August 2009
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
Click here to mend Bosch Classixx refrigerators

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