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Mend Dishwasher Fisher Paykel

Repairing Dishwasher door?

My Fisher and Paykel Soft Touch 918TD Dishwasher purchased in New Zealand has developed a faulty door. The curved links between the door and the dishwasher sides appear to be broken and the door is not braked as it opens but falls heavily ( a loud bang was heard before this fault developed). Ideas to fix it?

July 2009
For Model 920 and 918TD dishwashers the fix is the same:
1. There are two panels, in the front of the dishwasher, that lie below the door. The uppermost panel needs to be removed before the flat fascia under it. With these two off you can replace the springs.
2. Remove the upper panel by looking for recessed holes underneath it at either end. Poking a philips #1 screwdriver up into the recesses will allow you to unscrew them. The screws are captive and will not fall out. Ignore the bolt centrally located under the door. Its for an earth wire and we won't need to touch it.
3. The upper panel will now fall off. Lie it down on the floor in front. Its a convenient receptacle for screws and springs.
4. Remove the lower panel by first pulling off the earth tab. Then slide the panel up an inch or two until it comes forward and pulls away. There are two locking clips underneath. These clip onto the underside of the washer. Friction only, no screws. They will release by pulling the panel towards you. Slide it up first then pull it towards you. Set this panel to one side.
5. You can now see the springs from the front. They may appear hard to get out and replace but it is simple.
6. There is a small screw in front of each spring which holds the side panel onto the base. Unscrew these and put them in the tray for safekeeping.
7. Stretch the spring down and pull it towards the loosened side panel. The bottom of the spring will then detach.
8. Twist and push the spring up to release it at the top. Do this for both of them. Throw them away.
9 Install new springs. The springs both have to be put in with the hook part facing inwards (so the bottom can be clipped on).
10. Attach the top of the spring first by pushing and twisting it in. Make sure its properly in before stretching the spring slightly down and clipping it over the base. Because the side panels are loose this is easy to do . Impossible otherwise.
11. Reassembly. put the flat fascia back on by pushing it in high and letting it slide down. Then push the bottom of the fascia until it clips in.
12. Push the earth lug back on.
13. Screw the upper panel back on using the recessed screws. Done.

January 2013
At the end of each curved link (door hinge) is a spring to slow the door. The bang you heard was one of the springs breaking. Happens often on F&P dishwashers. Remove the lower panel under the door & you will see the springs. They come in a pack of two so replace them both.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
July 2009
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