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Mend Worm Ultimate Pcb

Glow Worm Ultimate PCB Fault...Resistor colours needed?

Hi, I have a Glow Worm Ultimate 40FF which has's quite obvious from the PCB what the fault is:

I have a 2 Fuse PCB, and the resistor R11 next to fuse F1 is all burnt up and gone open circuit.

Rather than buy a complete new PCB, I'd like to replace the resistor (I work for an electronic company), but I don't know the value to replace it with.

If anybody has to hand one of these, could you please post the resistor colours, then I can do my bit for the environment and repair rather than discard.


Paul Smith
July 2009
I have exacly the same problem, could you please let me know if your problem was sorted by changing the resistor or what did you do to fix it.

July 2009
.: FIXED :.

For information;
The resistor had gone open-circuit. We removed it from the board and "forensically" examined it under a USB microscope to figure out what colours the bands were underneath all of the scorching.

Turns out to be 27K.

Replacing the reisisor and touching up a few "dry joints" on the board has resulted in a fully working boiler for the price of a single resistor (pennies) instead of a complete new board (pounds!)

Paul Smith
July 2009
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