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Mend Internet Browsers

Mend Software, Internet Browsers
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Mend > Internet Browsers

Mend Software, Internet Browsers

How can I remove

My homepage has suddenly become How can I restore as my homepage?

(How did become my homepage?)

December 2003
Download Spybot,, and Adaware Run both, one after the other, regularly and you will be amazed how many devious programs are trying to hijack your browser. Keep both programs up to date via their update facilities.

June 2004 has hijacked your browser. Some companies think that changing your browser from the page you use (and so presumably like) to another page of their choosing is a brilliant way to advertise their web site. Er, NO!

Some companies even use some persistent code which makes it quite difficult to change your browser's homepage back to the page you want. Hopefully this is not the case.

I've assumed you use Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser...

Click on Tools in the Browser's Menu Bar, then select Internet Options.
In the General Tab you will see a field titled Address. Type in the URL of the homepage you want. (For example
Lastly, click the OK button.

I hope this works and that never bothers you again.

December 2003
Mend Software, Internet Browsers
Mend repair fix internet browsers

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Mend Software, Internet Browsers
Mend repair fix internet browsers