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Mend Roofing

Mend D.I.Y, Roofing
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Mend D.I.Y, Roofing
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Mend > Roofing

Mend D.I.Y, Roofing

How should iI fix concrete roof tiles abutting valley?

I have a concrete tiled roof and noted when cleaning the valleys that the cut tiles abutting same are not bed in concrete or in any other way. The gaps left whilst giving the roof plenty of ventilation are proving popular access for birds to get under the tiles to nest. The tiles are redland stonewold Mk1 ( now discontinued) with a triangular shaped profile which have plastic caps fitted where the tiles meet the gutter thereby preventing birds and insects getting under the tiles

david martin
June 2009
Pay a visit to you local builders merchant ask about 'cloaking' to close in tiles meeting a valley.

Personally I wouldn't bother I've had them for years in my London home and they did no damage. Also if you are in UK it's against the law to obstruct nesting wildlife so as to cause death by starvation or injury, there is a heavy fined if you are caught and I mean heavy. Think it's stupid! then think about how you would feel being caged and starved.

June 2009
Mend D.I.Y, Roofing
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Mend D.I.Y, Roofing
Find out how to mend roofing