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Mend Rear Wheel Bearings

peugout 306 rear wheel bearings?

just wondered if i could change these myself.I do have some mechanical experience but wondered if i would need any special tools before i attempt it

June 2009
dood its easer with a hydrolic press if u can get acses to one they just press out the old and press in the new . or u cud use large sockets- the sise of the outer race, loosen large nut under dust cap then jack and suport,remove weel and tap off the drum-you will be swearin after this as they can be an ass to get off, put drum on a bench find and remove the circlip now use the socket and a hammer to drive out old bearin set, coat new bearin with a bit of greas to help it in gently tap in the new bearin only put force on the outer race or itl be wrecked fit hte new cirlip where the old one came out of fit new grease seal from the kit-gently and away u go. refit drum and torque wrench the big bolt -after youve fitted the weel and lowerd as you cud pull the car off the jack , the bearin kit will contain all nesasary bits -bearin -circlip-greas seal-and big nut. wen uve torqued up knock the edge of the nut down to prevent in undooing its self.

June 2009
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