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Mend Peugeot 206 In-Car Audio

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Mend repair fix Peugeot 206 in-car audio

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Mend Peugeot 206 Showing Radio

Peugeot 206 showing "RADIO lOCKED"?

Had a new battery.....used the code from Peugeot whch they now tell me was wrong.. I now have the correct code but its showing "radio locked"..has it gone too far or will it reset itself so I can put in the new code...helpppp!!

May 2009
Had battery changed now l can't put code in l have the right no but don't know if who put battery on tried to put a no in and it has comprised it as it is on 10 error showing on screen

May 2015
Just swich radio on and wait less than hour, and you will be able to put password. I tried few times, and after I decide change radio for another one, my girlfrend just tiped 2435 and its worked!

May 2011
I had this prob, it allowed to re-enter code automatically after a few days

Locked out
January 2011
i have radio i have code but i dont know how i give it

September 2009
I have had the same problem with mine! Boyfriend thought he could fix it and i think he may have entered it one too many times! Been on a few websites and they are saying wait for up to 5 hours and it should ask again, is that 5 hours of the car being on or 5 hours in time? Also if it still says locked how much will it cost to get unlocked and the code put back in?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated

August 2009
you will have to take it to radio repair shop to unlock it. code entered too many times.

May 2009
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Mend repair fix Peugeot 206 in-car audio

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Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Mend repair fix Peugeot 206 in-car audio