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Mend Digital Cameras

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Mend > Digital Cameras

Mend Switch Replaced Battery

LumicronLCD.825Z3 will not switch on?

My camera was working fine ,I switched it off ten minuets later it would not switch on I replaced the battery with one fully charged still no joy I can charge it and when doing so the red light comes on It is a brilliant camera and I am loath to scrap it if I can get it repaired.
Sorry I forgot to put the camera details on the last time.

John Harvey
May 2009
John I have exactly the same problem. Fortunately I have 2 identical cameras. I am able to swap components to isolate the root cause. It's the on/off button, not working! Your camera will actually function in all modes, without a battery inserted. Provided the charger is connected. It's my betting that yours wont turn on if you remove the battery. Thus, the charger is by-passing the switch, as it should, in order to re-charge the battery. But the power to the on/off button via battery and/or charger is not connecting. Sorry, I cant offer good news. If I knew how to fix the problem, I would fix mine and tell you the repair method. The internals are microscopic. I can barely see to trace the tiny PCB's. But if any moisture is inside, you open the camera door, remove components and pop it in a really warm place for a few days (airing cupboard-NOT the oven!). These cameras have sensors which protect from condensation damage. If your lucky it may be simply override protection.

John Mitchell
July 2009
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