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Mend Homelite Chainsaws

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Mend Homelite

i have a homelite weed trimmer model st155 15". what is the gas/oil ration?

I was given a homelite weed trimmer. Model st155 15" curved model. What is the oil/gas ratio. Is it the same for all models.

luther B
April 2009
The owners manual states 32:1. Not sure why so many ill informed people online keep incorrectly stating 50:1. Google 'honelite st155 manual' and download a free PDF of it if you wish to verify this info for yourself - I did exactly this yesterday.

November 2022
1:50 Oil to petrol (unleaded)

Phil Waldron
June 2009
32:1 works good on my st155

May 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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