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Mend Craftsman Lawn Mowers

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Mend Craftsman Wont Start

Craftsman B&S won't start?

Need to know what the possible cause might be....tried starting the lawnmower..cleaned the spark plugs...and have new gas in it...oil hasn't been changed...but its full....
But, it won't start....sounds like its going to....but it just won't go....need to know what the possible, or most possible causes might be......someone told me to get a new coil...not sure how to replace one either....could anyone please let me know how?
Thanks all...

September 2004
first check spark if ok put a bit off gas in the spark plug hole then put spark plug in and try it that shude help

December 2006
My guess is you will have to take the carb off and clean it really good, when gas sits for a long time it will start getting solid and turns to gum. Be sure and clean it well.

September 2004
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Mend repair fix Craftsman lawn mowers

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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Mend repair fix Craftsman lawn mowers