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Mend Sylvania Televisions

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Find out how to mend Sylvania televisions

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Mend Sylvania Where Back Combo

Where can I get a ANT piece for the back of my Sylvania SSC192 TV/VCR Combo?

I need the ANT input that the cable plugs into in the back of the tv set. Mine is missing - I bought it used and didn't know till I got home.

January 2009
how to repair ant for sst4192 fell off of table with ant connected to cable can it be repaired and if so does the cable connection attach to the spring like item insid ethe place where the ant was attached.

January 2009
Mend Video, Televisions
Find out how to mend Sylvania televisions

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Mend Video, Televisions
Find out how to mend Sylvania televisions