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Mend Ford Cargo 813 Lorries/Trucks

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Mend Ford Cargo 813 Switch Ignition

Ford cargo 813 (horse box) ?

When I switch on the ignition the air in the brakes is taking longer and longer to fill up before I can let the handbrake off. I can't get hold of my mechanic - is it safe to use the lorry? Will the problem get worse?
- I don't want to be stuck somewhereif they refuse to fill up.
Please help if you can Thanks

Barbara Dickens
December 2008
Needed help our brakes have seized on can any one help just payed over 3200 having them overhauled garage who did work shut todsy

February 2014
hi sounds like the compressor is at fault either that or you have a big air leak in the air system regards chris see us at

chris carrick
November 2012
If you are still having a problem, try PR Commercial Factors, 01322 279032.
I've found them to be very good on prices and service, as they run a workshop too they can give great advise and help.

Lez T
February 2009

December 2008
There are a large number of possible faults - some of which Joe mentions.
(1) The acceptable system leakage rate as specified in the Ford Crago workshop manual is 0.3 bar or 5 psi in 15 minutes (with system fully charged, engine stopped and parking brake apllied).
(2) Assuming your horsebox is not piped for towing (unlikely if it's an 0813), the time for the compressor to fully charge the system (i.e. to 11 bar) is 6 minutes and 3 minutes to 65 % Full charge pressure i.e. 7.2 bar).
So fully drain your air reservoirs (by pressing brake pedal with engine off) and then restart and note time it takes to get to 7.2 and 11 bar on pressure gauge (are both gauges reading the same?).
If its shorter than these times, it is within spec and there is nothing wrong with the compressor.

To answer your question, as long as you have approx. 100 psi your brakes will operate properly. The parking brake is spring applied and air released. If there is insufficient air pressure available at the actuator, the spring will apply the brake as the air pressure cannot hold it off. If this happens while driving it would clearly be a problem, possibly causing the truck to slew around. If it's a case that the truck is stationary and you don't have enough pressure to release the hand (parking) brake, there is a mechanical wind-off facility - i.e. you slacken the turnbuckle on the parking brake cable - using 2 spanners. So if you do get stuck somewhere - you can release the brakes!

December 2008
Hi, couple of quick solutions to try first. 1: completely drain the air-brake system - ensure handbrake is ON, repeatedley depress the brake pedal until you hear no more air coming from system. Start vehicle and rev about half way until air tanks are replenished. 2: with tanks now full - there should be on the bottom of the tanks a small valve (sometimes this has a cord or wire attached) Pull the valve towards yourself (push it away and you may have an unwelcome shower of gunge :-). Any moisture which has built up inside will exhaust through this valve -sometimes will be green/brown in appearance - don't worry about this. Repeat until the moisture is exhausted - you may have to build the air up again depending how much 'gunge' there is.
Next step if this does not cure the slow build up. It is possible that you will need to change your 'air-dryer' filter - usually blue, white or black - this will be very tight - you should be able to get one from a commercial factor or ford/iveco dealer (£10-£20 max).
If still having bother I would suggest that the vehicle may need a new compressor fitted.
If this is the case the best place to obtain 1 is an Iveco parts specialist in London - Zepplin Trading (they deal in genuine factory Iveco parts at incredible prices usually 60% cheaper than the dealer), I use them when need be.
Hope this is helpfull -

Joe - HGV/PSV mech.
December 2008
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