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Mend Grass Trimmers

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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Start Bought Problems

my whipper snipper wont start?

I bought a black and decker whipper snipper around 5 mnths ago,,i used it without any problems and havent needed to use it again for around 4 months,

I tried to start it today and it just wont start ,i have taken out the spark plug and looked at it and it was really black but was still sparking ok ,i have tried it with choke on and choke off and all that does is make a different sound when pulling the chord

December 2008
Annoyingly i think that they are made to last 366 days

March 2009
if you left it sitting there the fuel has probably gone bad. empty out the fuel and clean the fuel tank,take off the carby and give it a clean out(you can buy proper carby cleaner but i've used metho and a toothbrush successfuly) then try and clean or blow out the fuel line or buy some new and it wouldn't hurt to get a new in fuel tank filter too. While your at it buy a new spark plug they only cost a few dollars

December 2008
fuel filter was blocked

December 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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