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Mend Neff Electric Cookers

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Mend Neff Stop Working Oven

What causes fan to stop working on Neff oven?

The fan on my Neff electric oven has stopped turning. The element heats up but just glows red as there's no fan. The fan seems intact and in good shape.

John Reece
November 2008
Fully agree with PaulV....a replacement motor will set you back around £60...after the 2nd one, I decided to look at the one that I had replaced....It was very difficult to turn the fan....I guess eventually the motor would burn and WD40 sorted mine and the old motor now turns freely.

December 2008
I had this problem some time ago. The big metal fan at the back stopped working - the motor would sometimes have the strength to turn the fan, but other times it would turn slowly or not at all. Giving it a bit of a nudge through the grill at the back will determine whether this is the same problem because after a bit of encouragement it started working again.

After taking the oven out of the enclosure (two screws holding it in) I placed the oven on a table pulled close to the enclosure (you are restrictred by the length of the power cable). I took the back off and had a look at the motor which was very gunked up with general oven grime. It is quite difficult to get at to clean, but I got a toothbrush in there and a long pipe cleaner wrapped around the spindle. You can remove bits of the motor, you can even unscrew the fan from the inside of the oven, but I couldn't find a way of taking it off completely.

I would recommend taking the oven and grill doors off before moving the oven out of the enclosure, otherwise the oven is very heavy.

Paul V
November 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
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