Sorry, my hopes have been dashed, not the flow or return sensors, even a new circuit board has not fixed it. The sensors are about £30, the circuit board is around £200. So what next? British Gas are coming back and in the meanwhile we have to keep resetting, thankfully it allows us to do that, though we are doing it about 4 times in the evening! What we have noticed is that the boiler burns, gets the house up to temp and then stops, as it should do. However, when it gets the signal from the thermostat to start again, it doesn't. The information for the code in the Vaillant handbook is so vague, it litterally could be ANY electrical component, fan, pump, etc etc, my fault seems to happen on re start. Fed up or what, the good thing is that British Gas come when they say they will and thank heaven for their service plan.
January 2010