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Mend Homelite Chainsaws

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Mend Homelite Will Not Start

homelite will not start?

Hi all,

I replaced all my diaphrams in my homelite saws carb and still have no luck. If I splash a few drops of gas in carb it starts and dies. Sounds like it's not getting gas. I replaced, air and gas filters also. Should I clean carb more, like soak in in something? Thanks for any help

November 2005
email me at i can fix it

chainsaw 12
February 2007
call me man i have asshop 349-1886 i could eaisily fix that i know whats wrong mine did the same thing

February 2007
That's the problem, I do not see any gas going into the carb. I took the carb apart again, soaked in acetone to dissolve gum up, stuck wire into intakes, everything short of doing a good luck dance around it. When I sprinkle a little gas into carb it starts then dies. Next is a quick heave off a cliff. Help!!

November 2005
I have a Homelite chainsaw and have had such difficulty starting that I returned it only to suffer again with similar model. After breaking two pull cords (seriously) I finally figured it out! Don't ever push the primer bulb! Pull the cord twice with the choke in and then open the choke and pull three times. Starts everytime for me now after five pulls. Oh, I removed the airfilter to see why not starting and I could see the gas flooding past the choke valve.

Bob L.
November 2005
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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