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Mend Worcester Home Heating Systems

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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Worcester Pressure Heating

Too much pressure on Worcester 28i Junior?

My decorator took off a radiator and heating would not come back on. I repressurised, bled all rads and eventually red light came back on, but pressure had dropped a little. I turned boiler off and added a little more water. As soon as I'd turned the tap off the pressure rose quickly to 3.5 bar. And of course I daren't use it - do I open a valve on a rad and drain some water out until pressure drops?
And considering I've now added a lot of new water to the system do I need to add something to stop the rads rusting? And how do I do that, or do I ask a plumber to do it at annual service?
Hope someone can help, we're going to be shivering here until I get an answer, I thought the boiler was going to blow up when the pressure shot up!

September 2008
Yes bleed a rad til it drops to 1.5 when cold.

Yes add some inhibitor, you can do this yourself - Fernox now make a canned one-dose that goes straight in a radiator, retails at about £15 but stops you messin about with funnels and whatnot.

October 2008
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Mend repair fix Worcester home heating systems

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Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Mend repair fix Worcester home heating systems