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Mend Yamaha Powerboats

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Mend Yamaha Battery Push Button

My 96 yamaha 1100 Wave Venture won't start!!!?

I have a 96 yamaha wave venture 1100. Has good battery but push button and I't wont start. I't acted like the starter button was going out a few times before I't finally quite.I tryed bypassing the starter silanoid. But I't would'nt turn over. Don't know if its a bad starter or my engine has frozen up. Any suggestions out there.

September 2008
I have a 1995 Yamaha wave venture, how do I replace the solenoid?

Rob Holeman
August 2012
I bet it's the Starter Clutch. Mine took on too much water which I didn't purge after I took it out of the water for the last time of the season like your supposed to and it rusted a little bit. It was a real bugger getting it off but put a little WD40 on it and excercised it a bit and it now works like a charm!

Chris Desi
July 2009
try taking out plugs and pushing pistons down with NON SHARP rod. if it moves ok the starter pinion is stuck. remove starter and free off with wd40. if pistons don't move fill cylinders with parafin/diesel and leave it for a week to unstick

February 2009
Have you checked to see if the foofoo valve is clean & operates correctly?

September 2008
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