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Mend Craftsman Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Craftsman Hope Fuel Put

Any hope for saving a mower that had diesel fuel put in it by accident?

Husband didn't label the container so diesel fuel was accidentally put in a Craftsman Eager 1 push mower. Ran for about 10 minutes then conked out. Drained remaining fuel, drained & replaced oil, changed spark plug. Still pulls ok, puffs out a bit of blue-ish white smoke but doesn't start. Trash it or is there any hope of saving it and if so, what to do?

October 2005
your ok just put some gas in the cylinder ( where the spark plug goe's ) and pull it a few time and it should start. i know this because it happend to me

October 2005
If the situation was reversed then I would say you are o.k. Diesal fuel is basicly unrefined gas. My thought is going to cost you a few dollars but it is cheaper then buying a new mower. If it still won't start after cleaning the carb completely, you may have to replace the carb. As long as it still turns over The carb should be the only thing that was damaged. A carb from sears parts store will run anywhere from $50 to $70.

October 2005
If its still blowing smoke you proably stll have diesel fuel in it ....
Need to pull carb bowl and rinse fuel system out and it should be ok.....seen cars filled up with diesel fuel by accident and it just took a good cleaning ....

October 2005
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Find out how to mend Craftsman lawn mowers