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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers

problems with a stiga 50s rental?

just bought a new stiga 50 s rental.
Very disappointed after using once.
Splutters when cutting anything long even when height set to maximum.
Starts OK but very little difference in power of engine. It sounds just like a mower on idle and when the throttle is moved there is little change.
The manual suggests that the govenor and power levers should be synchronised but this makes little difference. There appears to be a lot of slack on the cable at the handle end where it seems to be rigid and bent for ? some reason.
A local lawnmower man suggest the stiga 4.5 hp engine is poorly developed and B&S would be a better engine and could be "tuned".

August 2008
I don't know what engne is fitted to your Stiga - but 4.5HP is 4.5HP - whoever built the engine. It sounds like an adjustment problem - you need to check the RPM. It should be around 3200 RPM at full speed - if not, then it needs adjusting, or the govenor spring has been damaged (stretched).

I got my optical tachometer off ebay - £10 imported from Hong Kong.

Phil Saunders
August 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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