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Mend Ford Focus Cars

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Mend Ford Focus Problem Starts Seconds

ford focus wont run?

i have a ford focus diesel its had 3 injector pumps still as problem starts but cuts out after seconds engine management light flashing tried 2 auto electritions cant find anything wrong dont know much about cars please offer any suggestions tried both ignition keys

July 2008
pu mps came from cars i saw runing had them re programed interior light off did not get pumps tested was told most likely cause pump em light is flashing whenkey is on

July 2008
What year is the car?

1/ Did you get the pump(s) programmed to the car for the PATS system?
2/ Is the E.M. light flashing when you spin the engine with the starter? If so there's a problem with the immobiliser/PATS system.
3/ Is the interior light staying on?
4/ What error codes did the electricians get from the on-board diagnostics?
5/ Did you have any of the 'faulty' pumps tested?

July 2008
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Find out how to mend Ford Focus cars