Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Chainsaws

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Mend > Chainsaws

Mend Clutch Remove Replace

removing clutch on poulan pro 220 chainsaw?

Need to remove the clutch and sprocket from the saw to fix and or replace oil pump, what do I need?

June 2008
You need either a piston stop, or a piece of rope in the spark plug hole (keep it out of the exhaust port) to keep the engine from turning, and a tool to turn the clutch (Clockwise - it's left hand thread).

You can get more info at:

Mark 42
October 2008
why does my pouland pro spur sprocket wear out so fast

scott p
September 2008
left hand thread.turn clockwise to slacken

June 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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