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Mend Cd Player Model

How can I fix my Peugeot 306 cd player model PU-2294B(D)?

Tried the suggested remedy of disconnecting for 5 minites and then entering the security code but without success.This car was bouhgt S/H and may not have the original cd player/radio fitted.Does this player and this car (yr 2000 peugeot 306) have the cd player linked to the immobiliser and therefore need programming to the vehicle VIN No. in addition to the four figure security code?If so how do I get this done or can I do it myself?

May 2008
So many different sites have this question from many different people that I'm amazed that no-one can help. Many of these questions have been 'floating around' various forum sites for years. I have had the same problem with two different cars (both 306). Surely some one should have an answer. Is there any such thing as an unanswerable question?

July 2017
Hi i read that somone here has code for PU 2294B(D) just disconected player and cand find the code. thank you in advance

August 2008
Hi G Griffith

I have exactly the same issue in a 2001 Y Reg Pug 106
I had a PU-2294A(C) which played CD's until the car was running. I bought a second hand PU-2294B(D) and exactly the same problem

Did you ever find an answer ?

I also read that both of these radios are not VIN coded


June 2008
This is a real puzzle as it looks as though the problem is in the car and not the radio ( As you first suspected in your original question?) Is this a "plug-in" type with an ISO Socket or is it hard wired...just in case there is something obvious on plug end of the wiring loom.(Loose connector/not plugged in far enough etc.) As you are no doubt aware , there are usually two battery feeds to the radio. A permanent feed which is to the frequency memory + code electronics etc.... and the switched supply for the normal operation. It looks like there might be a problem with the first one (permanent feed) so checking the voltage with a meter or test lamp would be the first thing to do. The only other way to prove anything would be to temporarily "overwire" both feeds with separate wires direct to the battery and that should prove whether there is a dodgy connection within the car wiring somewhere...The real danger with faults in modern car electrics is that there may be a "sensor" somewhere monitoring voltages and switching it off for some obscure reason....Sorry I can`t be more helpful....Please post back here if you find what the problem is as I`m curious.

May 2008
That is what I thought so I did buy another similar player off ebay but this does exactly the same ie it will not play cds once the engine is running.I have the codes for both players and these unlock the player ok which then work fine until the engine is started.Very odd.Running out of ideas.Will try by-passing the ignition switch next.

May 2008
I don`t think that this player is new enough (post 2001 ) to be programmed to the VIN It is a Clarion model and so the first thing is to check you have the correct code. The only Clarion model that can possibly be calculated on these free Help Boards is the one with a label with 2 barcodes. Quote both barcodes . Failing that , then it will have to be taken in to a Decoder Specialist....but it might be cheaper just to buy a replacement ( check Ebay.)

May 2008
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